Saturday, August 20, 2011

Can't Sleep? Improve Your Sleep Naturally with Yoga and Guided Imagery

Do you lie awake at night unable to sleep? Getting restful sleep is a growing challenge for many of us who toss and turn nightly, unable to fall asleep. Others may perhaps fall asleep, but then wake up and cannot return to sleep. When insomnia is a result of stress, such as looming deadlines, financial hardship or a life change, there are a few natural options you can try to decrease the flow of stress hormones and increase a state of relaxation for better sleep.


Practicing yoga may aid with sleep problems by decreasing muscle tension, as well as lowering mental and emotional stress, while encouraging the body to deeply relax. The practice of yoga uses breathing techniques and stretching exercises designed to slow down a busy mind and focus your awareness on the present moment. The result of this mindful practice is a decrease in the amount of stress hormones that your body produces when you are under stress. An added benefit to this type of de-stressing is an increase in immunity, and strengthening the body’s resiliency to dis-ease. When your body, mind, and spirit are relaxed, you will also sleep better!

Try this yoga pose before bedtime to calm the nervous system and aid insomnia:

Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

Caution: Avoid if you have serious eye problems, such as glaucoma. With serious neck or back problems only perform this pose with the supervision of an experienced teacher. If your feet begin to tingle during this pose, bend your knees, touch the soles of your feet together, and slide the outer edges of your feet down the wall, bringing your heels close to your pelvis.

  • Begin pose by using a wall for support where you can lie down and have your buttocks close to the wall.
  • Extend your legs up the wall as you lie back, perpendicular to the wall. Flex your toes toward you so the soles of your feet face the ceiling. You should feel a stretch in the back of the legs.
  • Stay in this position 5 -10 minutes (if comfortable); close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  • To come out of the pose, bend your knees and slide your feet down the wall then roll to one side and lie on your side for 30 seconds to a minute before coming up to a seated position.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery is a technique of directed thoughts and suggestions that guide your imagination toward a relaxed, focused state. The practice of guided imagery uses the mind-body connection and is based on the concept that your body responds to what you are imagining.

If you have trouble sleeping, guided imagery may help you achieve a relaxed state when you imagine all the details of a safe, comfortable place, such as a beach or a soothing environment. One of the many benefits to guided imagery is stress reduction and deep relaxation, which encourages better sleep.

Try guided imagery tonight! Download a free podcast I developed for Hill Physicians called, A Better Night’s Sleep at: All you need to do is to get comfortable and listen while in bed, before you are ready to go to sleep, and continue each night until you can fall asleep without the use of the guided imagery.

Have other natural sleep tips? Let us know what works best for you!

Sweet Dreams!


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